Compliance Inspections.
Water Testing
AWQC’s method of testing for Legionella relies upon the use of traditional methodology that is based on AS/NZS 3896:2008. The method isolates and enumerates Legionella species in water by the spread plate technique. The sample of water is treated, inoculated onto specific media and incubated up to 7-10 days. Further tests are performed to confirm suspect Legionella like organisms. Confirmed Legionellae are identified as Legionella spp., Legionella serogroup 1 or serogroup 2-14 using rapid latex slide agglutination.
AWQC is NATA Accredited for the analysis of Legionella.

Health Regulations
The Health SA Legionella Regulations, October 2009.
Independent Inspections of high risk water systems
Solar Edwards Adelaide is a Third Party Independent Auditor under the Health SA Legionella Regulations, Version 0.7 October 2009.
They have carried out in excess of 1200 individual inspections in locations through out South Australia since the conception of the new regulations.
Combined with the recourses of the Australian Water Quality Centre they can offer a complete service for all water sampling, testing and reporting for compliance.